In this post, I would like to demonstrate a simple LINQ queries to access the SharePoint data using client object model.
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("http://Test:555");
var query = from list in clientContext.Web.Lists
where list.Hidden == false
select list;
IEnumarable lists=clientContext.LoadQuery(query);
Another sample which uses Load method and lambda expressions
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("http://Test:555");
clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web.Lists, lists => lists
.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(list => list.RootFolder,
list => list.Fields));
The difference between Load and LoadQuery are
Load: Using method syntax of Linq query it will fills out the objects in the context.
LoadQuery: This method returns custom object and it will not filled into the context.
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("http://Test:555");
var query = from list in clientContext.Web.Lists
where list.Hidden == false
select list;
IEnumarable lists=clientContext.LoadQuery(query);
Another sample which uses Load method and lambda expressions
ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext("http://Test:555");
clientContext.Load(clientContext.Web.Lists, lists => lists
.IncludeWithDefaultProperties(list => list.RootFolder,
list => list.Fields));
The difference between Load and LoadQuery are
Load: Using method syntax of Linq query it will fills out the objects in the context.
LoadQuery: This method returns custom object and it will not filled into the context.
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