We are familiar with try, catch and finally. It has been around for many years. We cannot ignore that at all as it plays a vital role in development.
Same is the case when we write a client object model code for SharePoint 2010.
ExceptionHandlingScope is a new class that has been introduced in SharePoint 2010 which allows us to perform the same action.
Let’s say you are working with managed client object model.
Here is a way to get a context of ExceptionHandlingScope and to work with it.
ClientContext ccontext = new ClientContext("site collection path");
ExceptionHandlingScope exceptionscope = new ExceptionHandlingScope(ccontext);
using (exceptionscope.StartScope())
using (exceptionscope.StartTry())
// Code Block
using (exceptionscope.StartCatch())
//Code Block which handles the exception
using (exceptionscope.StartFinally())
//Code Block that always executes
Let’s say you are working in ECMA client object model and would like to handle exception
function Example()
this.clientcontext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var clientScope = new SP.ExceptionHandlingScope(this.clientcontext);
var startScope = clientScope.startScope();
var tryScope = clientScope.startTry();
// Code Block
var catchScope = clientScope.startCatch();
//Code Block which handles the exception
var finallyScope = clientScope.startFinally();
//Code Block that always executes
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